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My Nan brought three figurines at different times from one of these places. When I was there last, I looked at them all and on the bottom of them they all say "No. 1157 of Limited Edition of 5000"....
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jacko 1985
who sang the yogi bear song
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My two year old son has recently moved into his first bed. He used to sleep through to about 7:30 - If he woke up he chaated to himself and often went back to sleep. Now he can get up he is out of bed...
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It happened as I was sitting here, fervently reading, answering and posting questions. I suspect cowboys, or rosegrowers.
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What are the four most popular web browers?
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Can anyone tell me of a good website that has recipes to make Homemade Soaps and Lotions? or any good references Thanks.
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Ready Brek How did ready Brek get its name?
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I watched this film for the first time last night but it seemed like I tuned in halfway through. I saw from the part where Edward Nortan and his family are having a debate about Rodney King around a...
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Any ideas on the name of the production company thats makes The X Factor please
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Does a cow die if its not milked
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Thank you AB for removing those annoying Marlboro questions and the sexually explicit ones, greatly appreciated.
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Is the US / President Bush hiding Osama Bin Laden till closer to the election? So Bush can pull him out at the last minute and win the election that way.
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I need exercise but don't know where to get it, let alone a new hair colour or an orgasm, not to mention my breasts, crying, hicoughing and yawning. Should I just let my boyfriend masturbate over my...
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How can we improve your experience on the site? What really gets up your nose? Would you like to see regular AB users as official moderators of particular categories? You get the idea! Please try to...
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I am am stuck on a quiz question. It says: A"Magic Roundabout" Film? (6,3,3,4,3) Please help!!! I only have 2 days left!
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what symbolic purposeis served by having walton attepmt to travel to the north pole as opposed to some other unexplored region in the novel "frankenstein"
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What is the name of male hare
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why do whales migrate?
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how the gases in the air are separated from each other?
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Another budget question from me: My husband's work is all on a contract basis, and it's very irregular. Sometimes he has too much, sometimes they don't call for months at a time. Over the past couple...

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