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The cadburys ads got me thinking. Mine would probably be a hyperactive pink elephant... with little wings!
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Surely this was a massive own goal by the Chechyan (sp?) freedom fighters where as anyone who might have been symathetic to the their cause would surely turn against them after the slaughter of...
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Cause I have the FIRST fifty....and my other friend has the last fifty!!!
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Is there a weight restriction on passenger jets before their allowed to take off.. I know this mostly involves weight related to baggage but does this also apply to passengers themselves. eg. if a...
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Can anyone recommend a preservative that's suitable for birdtables please? (It'll save me reading the small print on all of them at the diy store).
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am sick of everybody thinking Iam cheating....Iam NOT!!!!!! sorry to **** you all OFF!!!! But I allready have all the answer's from DAYS of research that I've done on each freakin question!! Just some...
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I am sick of everybody thinking Iam cheating....Iam NOT!!!!!! sorry to **** you all OFF!!!! But I allready have all the answer's from DAYS of research that I've done on each freakin question!! Just...
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Why can't/won't you do something about bagel clogging up all the categories with his/her poxy quiz questions? As bagel has no input at all with sensible questions why not just remove bagel?
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about 25 years ago i watched a kids tvc prog called "the learning tree" no onei know remembers it, it was a tree with a mans face in the trunk and it used to tell stories etc, anyone remember it?
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who would win
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A way of seeing how many people have posted to a question before you click on it.
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RHCP rule
does anyone know what the demands are? also what is the cause for it?
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Saw it a few hours ago....thought it would have been grittier....wasn't really suprised by what was said, shown and insinuated....perhaps Im looking thru jaded eyes... what did others think?
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Anyone else think that the news coverage of the Russian school siege was a bit insensitive? Theese children were stripped, yet the cameras continued to film close ups of them. The peadophiles must...
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when is the best time to get preagnant in the month
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I hear that if u put lemon juice in ur hair it makes it blonder is this true? Because I didnt have any lemons so I used it from a bottle like the stuff u put on pancakes if u know what I mean? Is this...
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help! I'm a mature student doing art gcse and i'm finding the writing side of it difficult, i.e what do i need to write
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I got 2 mice. THe most social one started to sleep all the time 3 days after I got her. She looked good but was very quiet. SHe did however continue to eat. THis morning I found her dead. THe other...
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it is true that scientists have managed to teleport an atom from one place to another? If this is true will they be able to soon teleport other matter and then finally people?
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it is true that scientists have managed to teleport an atom from one place to another? If this is true will they be able to soon teleport other matter and then finally people?

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