which word can be added before or after each of the words in the following groups to make different words or expressions.The number of letters in the answer is shown in brackets 1.Arch,File .Public...
Allt he answers are one word containing the letters A C E e.g Contest of speed = Race the letters may appear start end or middle of the answer. Can anyone Help? Unconcealed 9 Letters begining with B...
19)what was the fastest serve at WIMBLEDON 2005 (mph) 14)who is the only person to have won 35 Oscars 9) which of these is furthest from Heathrow-Venice, Madrid, Oslo, Prague, or Barcelona 7)who won...
1. This usually takes place a few days before this winter holiday (9, 4) _ H _ I _ _ _ _ _, D _ _ _ 2. A well grown product of the Club's woods - but name unknown (1 - 4). The 1st letter of this...
1. Clue: Doffing in respect. First letter of words in the answer TOHOT. 2. Clue: Can't get a word in edgewise. First letter of words in the answer TNTTD.
Letters stand for words e.g 3 = CROTS is 3 = cubed root of twenty seven. Any ideas for these? 184M = MTL 1973 = VATI 1485 = BOBF 6AT5A =TY 1829 = FUBR Many thanks