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My doctor wants to see me next week about my cholesterol test. I think statins will be recommended, can I have some viewpoints please. I've heard all sorts of stories about side effects.
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Why do we pamper drug addicts? They chose to start taking the stuff in the first place. Instead of prescribing them methodone to try wean them off, why not just lock them in a padded cell for a few...
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Any effective weight loss programs to help you losing weight?
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1 across Characteristic 7 letters the last one being L
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Just a curiosity really. I have a stinking cold at the moment and so far it hasn`t affected my ears (I don`t want to tempt fate though) In the past when I have had an ear infection or barotrauma, the...
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When i connect my ipod shuffle to my computer I am asked whether I want to scan and fix it ? When I then try to update my ipod shuffle, after just a few tracks have been copied, It stops and gives 3...
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I have been waiting in all morning for the building maintenance guy to call ("before midday" it was supposed to be) and when it got to 12:45 I thought I'd post something here about being...
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Anyone had this? I have severe hayfever and was wondering if i should get this soon...if at all?? I cant go on the way im going each year it is ruining my life x
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Has anyone got any ideas for a plant to cover a south-facing fence? I'd rather not use a clematis, or a honeysuckle, but I would like something (ideally with flowers) that stays fairly compact against...
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Phone call from off road he is ok ???..don,t know about car...will get back to you later ...
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Why is it there are some couple who refuse point blank to get married? I have nothing against unmarried couples, I just don't understand their reasoning. They live together for years but don't make...
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Anyone know why ???..sneaked in a message which has been removed...was not aware he had been naughty...?
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If you were to travel to the past and walk up to your grandfather and just say hello, would you then never be born? I was just thinking that say for example, there are 100,000 sperm in every...
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I've got a crack right on the corner of my mouth, and it ruddy hurts, especially when I try to eat a cake from Greggs that's slightly bigger than gob size (yes even mine!). It bleeds and is seriously...
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I'm from Chesterfield, and no way would we butter the bread. Where are you from, and do have butter ?? I think its a southern thing
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Light breaks You stir me awake And I am reminded Of love Fingers brush Toes touch  And the sun Warms our waiting skin Eyes gaze Lips play And we begin again...
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I've lost mine and need to get another ordered as I've just been offered a job and they don't take driver's licence as an acceptable form of ID. Anyone able to point me to the right website please?...
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Opened up Outlook Express and email received with no problem. As an experiment sender sent a one line email.....Hotmail said it was too big......OE received it normally. Thanks again folks and...
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Just had a knock on the door and panicked a little when I saw it was a policeman. Turned out he is signing up for the local Homewatch which can't be a bad thing round here. Think he might have been...
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Hi there, I have been asked if anyone knows the answer to the following question. A friend started her current job 15 years ago and, at the time, was undergoing investigation for a theft which she...

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