Hello, why does it seem a question can only be answered once. I have seen many questions answered with "I don't know" rendering the post useless and time wasting. I am new to this website and can't...
Well I gave him a bath and gave him his first two tablets. Aaah remember those days when my cat loved me?? Poor wee thing, I have been hunting for my phone to get a photo of him lol but cant find it....
s3ahors3's sensible post has put a germ of a though in mr brain. There is lots of room therein! An actual factual 'New Members Introduction ' topic would cut a lot of 'ice' - let more people get to...
I think I am a really nice person, I get on well with everyone and have loads of friends, I always give people the benefit of the doubt and I'm honest and trust worthy. So why is it a new friend of...
i have blonde hair now my plan is to cut so its brown the bleach or dye it blonde after that im goin to put light blue or dark highlights in but my cuzin said it would turn green is this true plz...
If a single one child mother does not put the fathers name on the birth certificate does he still have rights. At this stage he wishes nothing to do with any of it, but what if he changes his mind?...
At the moment im on a diet which consists entirely of basmati rice, cherry tomatos, peppers, chillis, tinned tuna, macrel and sardines and chicken breasts, onions, mince, shredded wheat, milk, lots of...
One of my poor wee cats is allergic to fleas. he has been treated for the fleas but is now is an awful mess with scabs everywhere and a couple of bald patches :-( poor baby. I took him to the vet...
why do i get the impression that whiffey is not liked? or is it me? it seems that someone is always having a go at him. is he the site whipping boy/girl?
Any tips on getting this baby moving? I'm 39 weeks today with my second and really fed up. My first was born bang on her due date. I have constant backache, SPD (symphysis pubis dysfunction - my groin...