I'm developing a spare tyre round my middle although I'm pretty skinny everywhere else. Must be my age! I half-heartedly occasionally go to the gym but I really hate it. What are the best exercises to...
Just telling everyone today that I've just been given my first-ever stage part in a theatre!! I'm so excited and nervous!! I'm going to play Susan in Abigails Party- not too many lines I think which...
I wrote some time ago about having some teeth removed by sedation (not asleep but drowsy) at the dentist. Well, my appointment was cancelled but it's finally here on Monday. I'm really dreading it -...
Has anyone here been to the Isle of Wight? What did you think to it? We're planning a holiday there later in the year- if we like it we may look into buying a second home there and maybe retire there....
Can anyone point me in the right direction for genuine market research telephone from work home? Not cold calling telesales but something else that's genuine.
The film with Nicole Kidman- I watched this last night and I know I'm thick but...was the boy her dead husband or not? I know it was to do with him having an affair but I'm not clear. Anyone help?
probably nothing like this exists but just wondering if telephone work from home jobs still exist- not selling innocent people double glazing. I used to work like this for various companies- one for...
Is it just men in my family or men in general? I've been ill all week with a stomach bug and now I have cold-virusy thing. Okay, I know I'm ill a lot and people can only sympathize so much but all I...
take pity on me please, all you kind AB'ers. In a couple of weeks I have to go the the dentist and have FIVE teeth out...I'm going to a different practice where I can have it done under sedation,...
Can anyone recommend any good horror books? By horror I don't mean gore/slash horror/zombie etc type horrors- more along the lines of ghosts, supernatural or weird, my favourite being H P Lovecraft. I...
funny question I guess but hey...I started singing lessons last night and have to pick a song for next time that I'd like to sing and learn properly. I'm female in my 40's and don't want to pick...
This link was sent me by my daughter- she told me it was for a car ad never shown. You have to follow the car carefully through the trees when a ghostly mist is seen moving across the screen...is it a...
My 19 year old daughter is interested in working with young people with eating disorders- she has a friend in a unit suffering from anorexia. She doesn't plan to be a nurse or anything- more the...
My daughter's going to Namibia in June on a volunteer programme. Does anyone out there know what the weather will be like then? She's been told that it will be cooler than usual but warmer than we're...
I'm always looking at houses and different area of the country and wondered...whereabouts in the country would you prefer to live if you could (town etc) and why?
Not really a question concerning it but just wanted to know if anyone else finds this film really funny? I saw it again last night- it's on my list of films I have to watch no matter how many times...