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What happened to the question a couple of months ago where we had to answer lots of things like if we liked boxers or briefs, Dic and Dom or something else, marmite or got lots of...
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Can anyone tell me what a Brindisi is?
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A Shot in the dark I know,But does anybody know ivy colclough.She and her hubby fred moved back to stoke-on-trent when they retired.She use to live in north devon and we use to work together.After she...
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I am a citizen of India and have travelled to Toronto transitting at London, UK with a single entry tourist visa for Canada. I need to go back to India transitting at London, UK. Do I need a transit...
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What would happen to the Earth (short-term, medium- term and long-term) if the whole of mankind was wiped out overnight?
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Hi My brother is in love with a girl from Poland. The thing is that she thinks of goping back to her home country in 5 years time. My brother won't go because he won't get a job (language barrier etc)...
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We live near that camp bloke off It Ain't Half Hot Mum who was recently teaching Dot Cotton to drive; John Major lives up the road and Hannah Waterman is quite near too.  Hardly the 'wow'...
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Doesn't all this grunting get on your nerves? It really is off-putting. It should be banned!
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Are you still in England - I thought you were off with FP and my donkey to Spain.  Could you please return aforementioned donkey asap. Gracias
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What's the status now with the House of Lords and herditary peers. I know a few years ago the governemnt cut the number of heridtary peers right back. I presume that the ones left remaining are just...
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My 7 year old son (only child) is constantly in trouble at School for hurting other children. My wife and I are at the end of our tether because we cannot work out why he is doing it. He is a lovely,...
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I went out last night for a pint, ended up having ten, and after 2 hours sleep got the train home. I left the station, and walked through a shopping centre en route to my house. As I entered the...
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Can I just apologise to anybody who has given me answers and not had some acknowledgement or rating.  Until very recently I didn't really know how to navigate around this site and at times...
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What country is (or was) the Kuran (not sure of spelling) the currency of? Thanks
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Call me dimwitted but what is (was?) one exactly and how did they work??  I heard it talked about twice this week, then Geldolf was reading one last night.  Come to think of it isn't it in...
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I had this in AVI format but the disk has corrupted. Just spend hours trying to get ot off the disk to no avail. I know it's a long shot, but has anyone out there got the program saved as an AVI and...
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This may sound ridiculous but perhaps artful can enlighten me ...what do Americans mean when they order "eggs over easy"?
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lacuna bless
I receive e-mail from a friend with a hotmail account but when I reply it is returned with an error 550 cannot reply to hotmail,why?  I am on telewest cable broadband and my user accounts are set...
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are earplanes good and effective if so tell me how they worked for you
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Just returned from an anthropological expedition to Planet Blackpool with many questions, but this is one somebody may be able to answer: How thick is the glass on the Walk of Faith in Blackpool...

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