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Boasting Bob
Topogigo junior went to his mum one day, and asked "is it bad to have a penis?". His mum, taken aback said "Certainly not, why on earth do you think that?" To which he replied "Well, dad`s upstairs,...
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on his to a very important meeting when all of a sudden his car broke down ...........not wanting to miss the meeting he started to the distance he saw a big silver dome so he decieded to...
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what goes around and taps on the window??????????????????????????
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Returning home from work, a blonde was shocked to find her house ransacked and burglarized. She telephoned the police at once and reported the crime. The police dispatcher broadcast the call on the...
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How did King Edward 2 of England die ?
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A large woman, wearing a sleeveless summer dress ,walked into a bar in Dublin. She raised her right arm,revealing a huge ,hairy armpit,as she pointed to all the people sitting at the bar,and asked,"...
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What is the difference between the Ipswich ripper and Mr Kipling ? Mister Kipling puts six tarts in a box. (relevant at the moment )
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was the hurricane actually a crap plane? I know it was the most used plane in the battle of britain but that doesn't make it good. I hear at Stalingrad, the russians hated the hurricanes loaned to the...
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have leeds utd won the premiership
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What kinda of things are good to do for prospective law students to get a place at university and/or do well on the course? eg. reading, work experience etc Thanks!
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Why do plants store carbohydrates as starch rather than as sugar? Need to make 3 points
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If an artist is painting recreations of Beatles covers or album sleeves and selling them, is he breaking copyright? Similarly, does an art shop that sells them, have to pay a licence fee or is it to...
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I have an idea to make something/have something made etc so therefore would have to patent it etc. What is the first thing to do etc and then how do I go about having it made etc? Any ideas very...

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