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Hello all,my question is basically about one thing,i am not out to judge anybody,nor offend or ridicule... all i want to know is,that with modern day technology,modern views and changing times. Also...
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Theland, when are you going to answer this ture/Religion-and-Spirituality/Question361774- 4.html or were you hoping that we would forget?
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Just what evidence does he have that will change the verdict on Princess Diana's death. Sorry to ask this but after 10 years he must have some new evidence to offer to the inquiry, otherwise why has...
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I think people should be refused treatment on the NHS who smoke. Why as a non smoker should I have to pay for someone who damages themselves at the expense of my treatment. Its wrong, the tax they...
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what would happen to me? (and would my children appriciate or understand your theology)?
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Mani Hussain
Around six months ago a Jehovas Witness came to my door. As I have mentioned I have been studying Christianity for six years so I was eager to learn more and invited him in for a chat. I made him a...
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Is there any hard proof anywhere that Jesus actually existed two thousand years ago ? just wondered?Thanks good AB'ers GL.
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This question arose out of another thread in law. If a catholic swears on the bible to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth in a court of law could they then lie, confess their lie...
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Hi, Has anyone tried earworms yet? I've listened to it once and i can remember a few words, days on. Has anyone really progressed with it? x
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A court has ruled that the Diana and Dodi inquest must be heard by a jury. Do you think this is the right decision, or do you think that the public are too emotional over the tragedy to make an...
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I am on MySpace & I know it is both Holi & Purim tomorrow - I know nothing about either but would like to wish my fellow friends greetings - can someone tell me a little about both celebration and...
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Do you believe in Fate and is the course of your life mapped out from birth?
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Christian friends won't read Harry Potter because their church minister has told them it's all about witchcraft, it's evil and it may lead them astray. What's your view?
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Could we have a quick show of hands please? Could you state what you'd class your religion as, just out of curiosity? Just one liners, and if you practice or not
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We are travelling to Toronto, and from there we want to fly to Cuba for a two week holiday. We live in England and hold British passports. Do we need a visa, and if so how do we obtain one? Thank you.
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Abu Qatada looses appeal, i course he will appeal against it, is it no time we stopped giving haven to people like him, your thoughts,,2 021713,00.html...
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Are you ready? Only two days to go until the next one's published!!
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Did anyone watch the first of the new documentary series last night about the Islamic retreat in Andalucia, and if so, what was your impression?
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Can anyone help please? We've put ceramic tiles on the bathroom floor, and need to shave about half an inch off the wash basin pedestal to re-fit it. Does anyone know how we can do this? Thanks.
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Le Chat
I went to a very religious school, where it was rammed down your throat every day. (evangelical) This tended to make people either conform or rebel, hence I grew up detesting all forms of religion. As...

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