My last two. 5d "sharp piece of steel serving as axis of a balance" 5-4 I have K?I?E?D?E. Knife something? and 21d "pin or shaft upon which something turns".5. I have P?V?O. P from...
"A strike of the ball before it reaches the ground in football."6. I have ?O?L?E. Don't know football but would think it would be volley . The final e comes from 34a "Heraldic term for...
For example I have 6 to do of which one is Mail Winner and the next Valise Rasp. If I knew how they worked I might be able to do the rest. Many thanks.
Please help clarify and attribute this quotation; "We owe it to the dead not to let ourselves be crushed. Saddened we must be but not broken, not weakened or less resoloute to fight out to the...
We are trying to sort out a thanksgiving Service for a favourite Aunt and there are two quotations she wanted to include but because the writing is bad and the ink smudged we can't deciper them, One...
Can any one tell me the origin of this term for alcohol ? ! I think it may be W.W. II military slang and was certainly used in the Kenya African Rifles during 40s and 50s. but would be glad of some...
I think this has been round a few times but it is the first time I have seen it. Answers all London Tube stations. Help please with 'This Place is a Riot ' There are a number of tube stations names...
I think it must be 'the same old story' but it doesn't really fit with 14d for which I have laticlavi. Please could someone put me straight. Not being a Latin scholar could it be laticlave? Many...