Hello I've got the grid filled in. From earlier posts I have found out that 21 & 25 across are the first two names of the person I need. With 6D & 7D I think I've got the correct extra word...
Please can anyone help me with what to write under the grid.
I'm all filled in and have highlighted the two thematic words in the grid, but have no idea about the third word.
Thanks in advance...
Last night a couple won £14,750 and had three pointless answers in the final. Zander asked them what would they do with the money if they won BEFORE the first answer was revealed. I have only...
Just finished cutting privet...COVERED in bites...have insect repellent slathered over me..but does not seem to do much good..any tips how to keep the blighters at bay ?
one visible sighting only 10 10 pm for 4 mins W departing S and if you go out just before that there is a chance you will see the progress supply ship at 10 01pm same direction. It was seen last night...
The criteria is:
1. No planes overhead
2. Not near any towns or cities
3. No rowdiness or crime hotspot
4. Away from any motorways or trunk roads
The nearest village would be sufficient?...
People say you shouldn't 'google' your symptoms but have you ever done so and correctly diagnosed yourself? I've read about people who have diagnosed themselves, (particularly people who have rare...
Anyone ever used an eyebrow kit? Joanne Page (Gavin & Stacey) says she uses Gosh as she has blonde eyebrows. I am exactly the same and for many years I have used an eyebrow pencil simply because...
I saw one mother the other day and her baby was called 'Tee-Jay'! When you hear names like that you can be almost certain to know what the parents are going to be like. It has also been found in...
I have, webster, the skin, the skull to highlight but no idea what other 9 letters to highlight, any hints please the letters I have for down clues are, amanhisconcertwrathes?? last 2 letters missing...
Last one. 46A - Immediately curtailed alkaloid found in tea (4). Wordplay has either one extra or one less letter. I have T?EN. Also can anyone give me a start on what to highlight in the grid. I have...
I've just been diagnosed with age related macular degeneration which means that eventually I will lose the sight in the middle of my eye but for some reason still have peripheral vision. I also have...
Hi all again, Still trying to figure out the strat sound. I thought it must be the pick ups, but now see that there is a strat with a humbucker. Has anyone heard one, does it sound like a hank marvin...
The following are supposedly real conversations Directory Enquiries operators had with callers, as revealed in interviews with staff at the Cardiff Centre. Caller: I would like the number of the...