A work colleague's boy friend suffers from hay fever. He has been told that taking a spoon of local honey at this time of the year will help to build a resistance to the pollen. ...
Let me tell you a story~ In 1947 a couple,who had been trying for a baby for over 20 years,finally had a little boy.When the boy was 3 years old,the couple divorced,mainly because the Father felt left...
This is really irritating me. It's regarding the mastercard advert where the girl gets all dressed up to go to the wedding 'the look on her ex-boyfriends face - priceless' with the bloke that...
Does anyone have an advert that makes them cross, angry, happy or sad. The most annoying advert/s for me are anything to do with debt or loans. The most annoying one to date has to be that loan one...
Anybody got a list of the currently deleted titles and dates of deletion? I know of Cinderella, Snow White and the Little Mermaid. Also what films are next for deletion?
hi all this is kind of embassing but still, im scared, ok so my breats really hurt resently, i can always "feel they are there" kind of thing, and if its not that then they really...
Sad as I am ai wish to log on to the Walford Web chat page but they will not accept Yahoo, hotmail or other famous email addresses. Can someone suggest one that I can sign on for free.
I have a Fugifilm Finepix A330 digital camera, I changed the batteries and now it will not let me take photos. Apparently I need the same batteries I had originally but I can't remember what these...
I went shopping this weekend and spent a lot of money, you know, the useless junk. I'm quite a good earner, and managed to keep within my means. This got me to kinda thinking. If you're the bestest...
Am going to Eastbourne in August (I live abroad) and would like to know of a few decent (and cheap) shops which sell modern clothes in larger sizes. I am a size 16. I do go to Primark (in...
The date today is 12 March 2005 and my location is in the Phoenix AZ area. I have an in ground planted Bougainvilla which is about 4 years old. The plant has just started blooming and there are many...