I think Radiohead are very overrated. i have listened to their music and do not understand why they are so popular. What artists do fellow bankers think are overrated.
Does anyone know this film. The stars are journalists who go to cover a execution but because there is so many film crews, etc the fues blows and the prisoner escapes in a photo copier. Im sure Burt...
Can anyone remember a tv show on channel 4 starring Matt Le Blanc based in a american high school class who where studying media studies. I think it was is on in the early 90's.
Can you get a dvd of Madonna's Blonde Ambition tour? I have In Bed With .. but I would like the full concert. It was on the BBC a few years ago but I have never seen it in the shops etc.
Eric Pollard killed a woman in Emmerdale the night the plane crashed there. He put the body in a field so people would think she was killed by the plane. Was it ever investigated? Is it ever...