I hope someone can give me some advice. Ive just been refused flexi work by my employer. i work for a huge multi national company and very low on the food chain! However, i need this job. When i came...
I recently recieved a car parking ticket. When i arrived at car park I only had enough money to pay for 1 hour(price 70p) so I paid for one hour and went to get some more change, I then purchased...
if you plead guilty at magestrates court what information does the judge get to see , does he get a copy of all the statements,the police version of events how is this made up,
ok heres the scenario...a person has been given a fpn for theft..no arrest, on the spot caution (whatever that means) and so a criminal record right? so what happens if the same thing was to happen...
someone told me that i have a two year warranty on my electrical good if they are faulty so have approached retailer. they passed the buck to the company the appliance was made by and in turn they...
my husband has been charged with threatening abusive or insulting words with intent belive that immediate unlawful violence would be used. Will the sentence be much different if he pleads guilty or...
I've just read on Yahoo news that an appeal is going to be made to the Attorney General for the "Lenient sentences" to be reviewed due to complaints fron the NSPCC and public. I hope they all get life...
hi i arranged car insurance for my son over the phone when i asked if he had any points on his license i said no. cover was arranged then i was asked to send a copy of his license when i fished this...
Any advice appreciated. I am due to get charged with drink driving and wondering if this will apply to driving a 50cc scooter. Does your provisional licence get taken off you?
I have just bought a kettle with a two year guarantee. As I don't seem to have much luck with kettles, and if it goes wrong within the two years, do I get in touch with the shop where I bought it for...
I cant follow the latest scam. If an MP pays an accountant ?1000 to do his taxes, and the MP then claims the ?1000 as an expense ( having handed it over to the accountant who did the work), at what...
I'm about to enter full time education and am currently a 50% shareholder in a limited company. It's a small company with myself and my business partner employed, with only a small amount of assets....
My MP has claimed ?23,000 in second home allowances. I work in London, not far from Westminster in fact, and I quite often have fairly late nights and some early mornings. My train journey to Waterloo...
Do you think they'll come to regret the rule change where the driver with the most wins get's it regardless of points? Button only has to win 3 more from 11 and that's game over, potentially they...
i bought a new car then had a crash the same evening i thought i was coverd on my van insurance which turns out to have expired without me realiseng ( which is was silly thing to do ) now i have to...