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If someone pleads not guilty but is found guilty do they get a longer sentence if they are sent to prison,and do they get any time off ie for good behavour or do they have to do the whole...
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Taking away the fact the the kid is orrible, Did he actually commit any offence by climbing up the cenotaph ?. Just wondering because there's a lot of people asking why he hasn't been arrested....
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How much less petrol do you get every time it rises by a penny a litre? Say if you put in £10 worth...?
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Hi My daughter (aged 20) recently passed her driving test and about 2 weeks later her friend asked her to drive him and some friends to a Uni do as he had been drinking. Her friends said she would be...
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driving north on the a9 in the 60 mph zone stopped by the police just wondering what might happen ?
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When workshy scum and immigrants who have never contributed a groat get it free?
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I've heard that China has a 'one child only' policy. Does anyone know what this means and how it works? Perhaps the state only supports one child. It's difficult to imagine how it could mean anything...
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I am 66 years old and have a son of 19 who suffers with ADHD. One evening I asked him to do the washing up. He refused and got very abuse. The arguement resulted in my trying to restrain him from...
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My 20 year old son has been charged with criminal damage and is at magistrates court next week. He admitted responsibility, was drunk and it is his 1st offence. The damage was to someones front door....
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On 17 October 2009 my husband was involved in a car collision at traffic lights, where he was distracted by the green filter light coming on for cars to go left and he proceeded to go straight (his...
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The Institute for Fiscal Studies, has just posted some initial reactions to the Coalition agreement published today. Perhaps the most intriguing bit is that it thinks the agreement may pave the way...
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Is it legal for a line manager or a police officer to open your driving licence to see if there are any points on it?. I would have thought this would bias their option about you.
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I received a speeding ticket in November for driving 34 in a 30 zone, (one of those nasty little men in a police van with a window cut into the back!) I ignored it until I got the reminder then I...
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we have a shared drive with one part of it belonging to our neighbour, we\'ve parked on it occasionally in the past with no problems but they reversed their car into our whilst it was parked on that...
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H.M. Treasury today becomes perhaps the biggest hedge fund in the UK: it is investing £25.5bn in Royal Bank of Scotland shares and £5.7bn in Lloyds shares, financed almost exclusively by...
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is forfeiture compatible with European Law? Has it been de facto abolished?
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My car was destroyed when the garage that was servicing it burnt down, their insurance will not pay a fair price for my property that was in the car and thus lost in the fire. They say that they will...
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why do runners always run anti clockwise at running events in stadiums?

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