this must have come up before, but I struggled to find anything. has anyone had any success in deterring cats from using their garden as a litter tray. next doors cats driving me up the wall at the...
A charity wants a law to prevent parents giving children under 15 alcohol. A study has shown a large increase in the amount of alcohol drank by 11 to 13 year-olds. The charity, Alcohol Concern, would...
Could some kind soul please tell me how I crystalise angelica. My mum's got tons of the stuff and we don't want to let it go to waste. I'll be away from my 'puter until 20 April but will reply to you...
2 question 1 my sister has be told she has diabetes, and been told she will be on tablets for the rest of her life. Shes been told that she is entitled to free prescriptions. any help 2 she been told...
Does anyone remember the name of the reporter who always did the 'and finally' reports. He usually ended up covered in water or face down in a field. I think his first name might have been John....
What are people paying for child care these days? We used to pay ?20 a day but that was 3 years ago. Expecting another later this year, and although we don't need care until next year I was wondering...
You know the one, where they say they can let you know what an area is like before you move there. Is it for real and can I do it online 'cos I'm with Vodafone? Thanks
'i want to help out at my local soup kitchen etc on xmas eve or charity work to help sped the xmas cheer to people who don't have as much as us' i think its a really lovely idea and would be...
(maybe this should be in parenting?) 13 month olds nappy rash isnt disappearing with the normal sudocream, and leaving to air. Its definitely a thrush based rash, is 2 % canesten ok? (Cant get through...
As I sat contemplating my navel the other night I wondered, if an astronaught managed to anchor a firework rocket down on the moon, lit the touchpaper then stood back to a safe distance, what would...
You've had her? How is she? How are you? How big is she? What have you called her? Congrats to you, Mr Boobs and the new big brother :-) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Looking to take my little boy ( age 5) somewhere for the half term holiday. Expedia are good but I like the insurance of a rep being available. Do you know of any holiday companies ( UK OR MAINLAND...
i put an email on here the other week regards to my 2yr old not sleeping,well at last i think ive cracked it before i was putting her to bed telling her she had better be good and sleep through shes...
I have been with my partner for six years. Last summer we were supposed to buy a house together, we got a mortgage sorted and had been looking and then he met me for lunch one day and told me he was a...
Hi,My two and a half year old daughter started having problems with constipation some six months ago,she has seen a GP and a Specialist in these matters and both suggest the usual lacsotive and...