I read this morning that a court has ruled that Molly needs to return from her father in Pakistan to her mother in Scotland, upholding her mothers sole custody. Do you think that she should be made to...
What with the obtuse names people give themselves would it not be possible to include the gender with each posting. One person was given some personal advice on a discrete matter only to find that he...
Dear Ed. Might I make a suggestion. How about a sex forum for those who like to discuss the size of their penis's,what they can do with them etc? Also for the Oral Sex "banter" as they call it. Do we...
It's been noted that lot of ABers post on here during the day and it made me think: how many of you love your job? Do you live to work or work to live?
do people tend to not bother with questions that appear to already have a number of replies? if a question has, say 6 replies already would you not bother to look at it as you think its been dealt...
In view of the recent Russian counter espionage affair that recently took place in London. Isn't it time that some form of restriction be taken to prevent foreign dissidents, who have created problems...
before the public feel so unprotected that they take the law into there own hands? http://newsforums.bbc.co.uk/nol/thread.jspa?th readID=4861&&&edition=1&ttl=20061130105923 When will the powers that...
Bang into my soundtracks and scores, but am looking for new artists to add to collection. Anyone know of any artists that use deep strings, with a touch of modern electronica (ESPosthumus, Craig...
1.my family partner kids 2.friday night 3. the taste of your first pint on a friday yay! 4.my kids smile in the morning 5.spending hours shopping 6,m&s 7.making money 8. sunday lie-ins
At work (in a school) today it was 'physics -circuit boards'. Blimey myself and the female teaching assistant staff could think of nothing more boring; one man piped up 'it's better than a few hours...