During the pandemic, we keep hearing of a 'Road Map' to return to normal life. We used to say 'strategy' or 'plan'. Why the change? What's wrong with the old words? Schools used to have a 'Curriculum'...
Trump is taking tablets that his doctors advise could cause heart attack and even death if he becomes infected with the virus.
All I can say to Donald is, "Keep taking the tablets man"....
In an age where so called elites are able to control governments and institutions especially law, who, (if anyone) is able to hold these wealthy and powerful individuals and groups accountable for...
What do you prefer? We hate,hate,hate Those entertainment mornings when they ask everyone to get in the pool and do Zorbas dance to music, also when the people employed to doing the entertaining (...
Forty years ago today - a very sad loss when Ian Curtis took his own life - an end to his pain, but also an end to a stream of wonderful music.
yes boys and girls he thinks: 1+ 1 = 3 No wonder we are in the crap I wish I had A level Maff says Banks top economist Times today Nicla Woolcock: The Bank of Englands chief economist has admitted...
Title and setter's name (coincidental?) gave big clues to the subject matter, and plenty of thematic material incorporated in resolving the clashes. Interesting clue gimmick especially in the down...
Some people here seem to be in a permanent state of confusion over what I think are quite simple guidelines for the gradual easing of lockdown and for getting people back to work….so here’s their...
A young lad had a job bagging groceries at the supermarket. One day the shop got a flashy new machine for squeezing juice out of fresh fruit. Because of the potential danger to customers, someone from...
I think that it's nice and easy this week. (It must be surely? How else could I have scored a mighty SIX?). However I note that Gromit has tried to hide his lowly score of 2 away on a different...
Whoopee ! We are entering Phase 1 on Monday. We can have gatherings of up to 10 people ( maintaining social distance and washing hands frequently ), restaurants and bars will open outside tables ,...
My wife is a very, fit for her age, 76. Takes no medication. Blood pressure excellent. Arthritis in hands only. At night in bed she has pains and aches in her legs. Keep her awake many nights. Once...
Have you heard the latest pearl of wisdom from the stable genius that is the president of the USA? They only have so many cases because they do so many tests("more than anyone") The corollary is no...
//Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) medics and healthcare workers say "systemic discrimination" on the frontline of the coronavirus outbreak may be a factor in the disproportionate number of...
Apologies if this has already been posted....