Hello all. I came across my New Year resolution list the other day (yes, sadly I made lots!). One of them was to be able to do the splits by the end of the year and I'd actually still like to have a...
it's driving me mad!!!! there is a song in my head that, for the life of me, i cant remember the words to so dont know what it's called!!! the tune goes "na na na, na na na na na na na, na na na na na...
Eric Pollard killed a woman in Emmerdale the night the plane crashed there. He put the body in a field so people would think she was killed by the plane. Was it ever investigated? Is it ever...
I'm not basing this question on the actual school, but rather the city they are in. either U of central lancaster in preston or U of lincoln(hull campus) in hull. Which city is better/best on things...
why do i have to wait upto 7 weeks of pregnancy to get a surgical operation. it is true that there is a 40% unsuccessful rate if i have an abortion before 7 weeks
i was wondering if there is some sort of website or book i could pickup to learn how to take thoughts out of peoples heads i know i can do it because me and a friend can pull numbers out of each...
Can anyone show me any good female hairstyles, preferably chin length or just below chin with a fringe? Blonde if possible so I can get an idea of how it would look on me. I want this sort of style...
and omigod it was like a meat market! The women obviously dressed to attract the opposite sex, suggestive dancing, and the guys just grazing at the bars, staring, going for the most desirable female....
Ok people here it is. Cast your vote, i'll take majority of the first twenty. I am AGAINST this disgusting lump of vileness, surely nothing made of almonds should be the colour of the stomach bile -...