Has anyone noticed that two codewords recently have not used all the letters of the alphabet but the next day the answers are given as though all letters have been used? Or am I going daft?
46 across Lake in Russia 2nd largest in Europe 52 across Scottish lexographer and chief editor of the Oxford english Dictionary 1879-1915 36 down Hebrew unit of measurement equal to about 8 galls 39...
Have I gone wrong or is there a mistake? one of the answers I get in this codeword is "nosena" (6-19-17-22-6-7) All the words for the rest of the grid make sense it's just this one which doesn't.
Will someone please enlighten me. This is not a term I have ever heard before. I am presuming that it is perhaps a term used in a university. If it is, it shows I never went to one.
4d In zoology, having many feet or foot-like parts (7). I have P-L-P-D Could someone, please, confirm POLYPED as I cannot find this word in any of my dictionaries.
Can someone please confirm that 19a (climbing plant Lathyrus Odoratus that has delicately coloured flowers) is Sweet Pea because that's the only word I can find to fit, but Sweet Pea is 5,3 not 8 as...
help Please,I am trying to get started on todays codewordsbut with just one x and w I am stuck.Think 8 is e. Anyone out there who is brighter than me??? Thanks
A strong wind that comes form the direction of 255 degrees on the compass . Northwester or southwester ? ?O?T?WESTER I wouldn't know one end of a compass from the other !