A young man explained to his doctor that he had not been able to satisfy his wife in bed for many months, which was causing a strain in their marriage. His doctor sent him along to see a big black man...
Lee, A seven-year-old boy, was asked to say thanks for the Christmas dinner. The family members bowed their heads in expectation. Lee began his prayer, thanking God for his Mommy, Daddy, brothers,...
Harry Judd wins Strictly, his McFly bandmates rush from the audience on to the dancefloor to congratulate him, Bruce clearly mistakes them for hooligans and runs around shouting "Get Off!"...
Is there anything on the box tonight that you are looking forward to watching? I know they're not everyones cup of tea but I've always liked them so tonight I am looking forward to watching Westlife...
A few days before Christmas, two young brothers were spending the night at their grandparent's house. When it was time to go to bed, and anxious to do the right thing, they both knelt down to say...
I am not a christian or an athiest but if say you know your time is up, say in a plane crash or on your death bed in your final moments dying of cancer, would you silently pray to " god"
be warned the picture is upsetting, and can't understand how the thugs managed to get away with this crime.
Some protesters will go to any lengths to get their message over, but would this be enough to put you off your Beef and Two Veg?...
a female at glasgow high court was today found guilty of the murder of her toddler son. its possibly the most distressing news item ive ever read, has any item of news upset/distressed you recently ?
Lots and lots of the crisp white stuff, this is going to be a great day,cant wait to get dog out for walk as he loves the stuff as we all do, roll on the snowmen making etc.
http://news.bbc.co.uk...nd/london/8595062.stm Once again the criminal is treated by our justice system better than their victims are. /// "He chose to misuse his time here by committing offences,...
Sorry, but I just don't find him funny. Do you? I liked him years ago, especially in Phoenix Nights, but he seems to have got way too big for his boots (pun intended) and thinks anything he says in...
Hero 'big man' passenger cheered for throwing a foul-mouthed student off the train 'should be charged with assault', say teenager's familyhttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article...
Got in tonight to find that the dog had been upstairs to the Christmas presents and taken a box of Thorntons toffee from a table, taken it downstairs, opened all the packaging and eaten it all!! Rang...