35d non-u type'll supply means of forced cultivation P.L...N .. 44a short article written in German and joined with others .N...D 22a With arms likewise directed to the North Almost gave up on this,...
Belated effort- but just two to do- 27a .r.i.e.t most unspecific way to separate cream and 55a .r.n.e -step first couple of gears in lazy fashion-could it be prance- but why? would like to put this...
Couldn't get 10d What Aussie swagmen do to obey Jesus'instruction? (John 5;8) 4.3.5 We've got the answer "Hump the Bluey" but can't see why! Help please.
11d A struggle in some sand- leader falls unconscious u...a.e 15a little mites causing endless worry, getting stuck in road. a...i 48d two learners in a state ..r.l Nearly there but come to a halt on...
Thank you Sedge for your answers, but can anyone help with 38d Mollusc sucks mud in order to filtr out odd bits of meal- must be .u.k mussel- we think but are we correct with mussel?
Late start on this- 11d "Knight one elevated-hothead showing national trait" a.i..ness- or we may have something wrong? assume 10a is "slash" but don't know what 17a is (name given to male or female...
Surely there must be someone else who is having a problem with Paul- or are we going to have to put it away until Monday Sept 29th? Help- we don't want to win a prize- just want to get some sleep!
No Araucaria this weekend-having to try Paul but finding it difficult to get started- 1d "Up and down plus a year plus a...and so on" Help would be appreciated
is anyone else as "stuck"as we are?4a 5,5 Herb and woody plants in which one has a hand and is 4d Burundi ?- Polish revolutionary coulb be rub- bur....can't see why "undi" Help please!
Belated start to this- need help to continue! 9ac ..g.... crude metal fastener around flipping old costume 57a ..a.e.e.t glue on map obscuring northern placement
Finished this and guessed some answers- but can't understand how the compilier arrived at some of the solutions- very annoying- any suggestions? 42d "characteristic of the alphabet reported from...