In Excel (2007) how do you copy a cell without the formula changing i.e. formula in B6 is +B4 when B6 is copied to B7 it copies +B5 but I want to stay +B6 whenever its copied to, seem to remember it...
Ive put this in this section as i cant be bothered with a religious debate about it, im just wondering what opinion people have of white women covering their risk of being accused of...
Hi all I have just fitted a second internal hard disk to my PC. Everything appeared to go OK. I set the jumper for slave and everything plugged together fine. On restart I looked for it and can't see...
I have been having problems with my bath water draining away from my bathroom which is situated on the third floor. I have had a company out this morning cleaning the pipes - they said that they were...
Hi can anyone suggest a way i can stop next doors cat from coming in my garden (or any other cat) and leaving me various piles of presents i.e...poo ?
`A spray or something ??
TIA X...
Today I got a message to update my Nokia OVi Player, I am operating on XP and my browser is Firefox.. I carried out the update but then found that all my music files had changed from MP3s to OVis....
This is just a test with 20 questions and at the end you are given your mental age. I did it twice, the first time I was 8 years older than my age, the second time 11 years...
I have bought an `Silver Crest Portable Hard Drive` from Aldi`s and would like to know how to transfer all my photo`s from Picasa3. I don`t fully understand about Folders & Sub folders and so on,... Republican presidential candidate Fred Karger has already launched a campaign for the nomination in the key states of Iowa and New Hampshire, well that's fair enough, but...
I would like to use this quote by Abraham Lincoln "Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." I have found it in loads of books so have no problems referencing where I...
what can cause repeated bouts of diarrhoea and sickness? im guessing its not a bug as no one else in their household usually gets it not even the little uns
While it's hard not to feel sympathy for those whose worthy causes will face the axe, some councils have deliberately decided to slash the cash for popular services. Their cynical aim? To embarrass...
People should have a right to live their lives how they wish as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else, consequently I don't believe there should be any legislation on anything purely to protect people...
Been with husband for 9 years, moved away from family in City to live with husband in country 5 years ago. Have young son. Very close to my family, last time mum and younger bro came to stay over,... Since it is now becoming obvious that the Muslims will only act against certain individuals and establishments, when their wrong doings are found out by undercover exercises...