Question - How interesting do fellow AB'ers find your posts? If you are bored this afternoon (as I clearly am!!!) add up how many total answers your last 20 posts received and divide by 20 to get an...
One of the offspring asked for a CD for Xmas. I went in HMV & found I couldn't remember the name of the CD or the band. The best I could come up with was that it was something to do with the Girl...
I'm just wondering is it possible for your computer to get a virus just from visiting a website or do you have to download from the website. I got a link to a website from a friends email address but... After postings upon postings on the subject of benefit scroungers, are we now to see and end to the whole disgusting matter? Or is this an attack on the least able, just... To all those that who criticise our troops for killing the Taliban, I say take a look what they have done to this young and beautiful girl, to them life is nothing,...
An Obituary printed in the London Times - Interesting and sadly rather true Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure...
Recently a regular poster naomi24 said she was leaving Answerbank and I've just read that also sqad has decided to leave. What is going on here? Both of these posters have come across to me as...
My daughter works in a pub. For some weeks now there has been a thief, who has been taking tips and monies from the till. Management have failed to find out who this is despite promises made. All the...
Okay, so Robbie Williams is vehemently anti-gay. When The People newspaper suggested he might be gay, Robbie sued for Libel. Remember that, to claim for Libel, you must allege, and prove, that the...
hi have any of you any idea what you would like named after you for all eternity. joseph banks had trees, nelson had a column, some people have flowers, pavlova had a meringue, nellie melba some...
Should be quite spectacular if the Skies remain clear as it is normally not seen in Britain. I have seen the Northern Lights a couple of times but that was in Canada. Will keep my eyes peeled tonight...
What would you have done in this situation? Today I heard a Mum yelling at her boy ”I'm so f˄ck1ng tired of you...!” The boy was about six and they were on their way home probably after a...
I need to install a grab-rail in the bathroom for a disabled relative, but the walls are covered by ceramic tiles. How does one drill through these without cracking them ? Any advice gratefully...