A married couple in their early 60s were out celebrating their 35th wedding anniversary, in a quiet romantic little restaurant. Suddenly, a tiny yet beautiful fairy appeared on their table and said,...
Hi, maybe I've missed something but there doesn't seem to be a facility for posters to remove/delete their own posts. Is there a practical reason why this isn't an option? Youtube has it, Facebook and...
http://news.bbc.co.uk...education/8449485.stm Is it wise to spend £300m on this scheme, when the country is almost bankrupt? /// Families who would qualify for the full package would be those on...
i must have clicked a site to clean up my PC which i canceled,But now every time i switch on my PC this wretched site comes on first asking me again. How can i get rid. Please help thx...
Have any of you cool cats out there tried the course Fatburning Furnace course? if so did it work. and what was the cost of the full course. Many thanks in advance. collaton...
For the attention of those braindead types who pipe up about the "global warming lot" going quiet when there's 2 days of snow and adopting the head in the sand approach:...
hello to everyone.i am having a new kitchen fitted.i would like advice please.would it be best to have my cooker fitted first because it is a duel fuel cooker.i am unsure if it needs fitting first or...
I hope I'm in the right place. I need to write a letter to my parish council concerning the applications that have been put in to build around my local village. Now I have never had to write anything...
Has anyone on here used one of these.I bought one last year when they were on offer and haven't used it.I've now got the decorating bug and want to decorate my bedroom but the colours for the paint...
Is there a proper etiquette on sending christmas cards after a death in the family? I'm talking both from the perspective of the bereaved family sending christmas cards or people sending cards to the...
Does anyone have any statistics on how Solar Panels, (electric and water), perform in this cold weather, especially now it's darker during daylight hours?
Is there a readily available material that could be used to block mobile phone signals? I know, lead! I mean some sort of practical shielding that could be put up in cinemas etc to stop phones going...
I like a man who at some times seems to like me back and at some times seems to be indifferent. He is a lot nicer to me than he is to others, but he doesn't flirt except for staring at me intently and...
Ok so the previous thread got me thinking (which is at times dangerous!). My problem, is my boobs are far too small (I think so anyway!) At 22 I am a 34 A (A at a push!) Mr Wiggal is more then happy...