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I've owned a dulux dog (male) and a lurcher (male) and a labrador (female) and currently a spaniel (female) I now need to look for a puppy and have decided on either a labrador or spaniel. Which is...
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They are at the hot meat counter and are wrapped in a thick plastic container but the printing on the bag says "Eat straight away or leave in bag and consume within 2 hours. Consume on day of...
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Does anyone know where I can purchase a few bottles of this in the UK? It has to be the Greek Raki and not the Turkish one.
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I have rented a property since 21st June 2006. I pay an estate agent who forwards my monthly rent to my landlord. I received a letter from my landlord yesterday advising me that the estate agents are...
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I have been given a bottle of Ortega/Riesling Sylvaner wine with a label Ditchling Dry 1993. By the looks of the label it was probably purchased in 1993 and has been stored in an old ladies shed. Is...
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I often read law or technology and Ethel seems to often comment and give an answer. Her answers are good and they always work! I now save a lot of Ethel's answers because even if I don't have the self...
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I befriended someone in America who I loaned money to and subsequently this person broke off contact (yes I know, I should have been more sensible) Now I have found out that this person has stolen...
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I am sure you can get this meat in the USA but I doubt if it's known by the same name. Can anybody tell me the equivalent or nearest type of meat that the yanks can get?
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Two weeks ago I had a letter from a collection agency demanding ?67.46 for a Littlewoods debt. I remember some time in 1999-2000 having a catalogue and ordering about ?80 of stuff that was paid weekly...
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A friend of mine has already published a paperback dealing with the postcode lottery and NHS treatment. Many of us are finding that a blogger has written a retraction of her book on his WWW blog -...
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I have American friends coming over next year to spend a week with me befopre flying on to Germany. They live in Texas so it's easy to get them to arrange a flight from Houston to Newark and then onto...
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I know EDF have put their prices up from today. I have them for my electricity. My last reading date was 3rd November - should I read my meter now as I can forsee being expected to pay the price...
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Have these people left? I mean have they left without even a goodbye? Did neither bother to say "I'm off and won't be back again" or did I miss their final goodbye messages? Both were handy for...
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What has happened to the report button these days? I don't see it anymore under any posts.
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Who do I complain to regarding prices as displayed to the public greatly differing to the actual price charged for a take away portion of fish and chips?
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Ok, I have goven up as trying to click on a topic (using the new beta) takes up to 3 minutes and accessing any thread takes forever or simply times out.......surprise, surprise......going back to the...
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Does anyone know where the old Cossor's in Leyton was situated? As a kid my Grandparents lived opposite the factory. Their road was off a main road and I remember looking through bay windows at...
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What has happened to the square where you type your question? It runs off the page and you cannot see half of what you have asked? I am typing this not being able to see the words "it runs off the...
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Is it possible to get such a thing? Maybe an action man accessory or something? I have just bought two vouchers for flying lessons for a Christmas present and I want to kid my friends that they have...

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