hi i have just bought a cable thing to connect my ipod to my hi-fi (stereo) and it is made by logic but it does not appear to be working there is 3 parts to it one of which i put into were the...
Ok having a discussion with my mates in wetherspoons yesterday (4 girls). Started talking about sex and basically my mate had just come back from holiday with her man, and they were going through a...
I have webshots that I get most of my backgrounds for my desktop from. I was just wondering how I can save my background on my computer to my pictures or documents? I have been trying to take it and...
Hi Folks, Found this website www,freederm.com which claims that people with eczema conditions can be cured in 3 days. Has anyone tried? Is there cure for eczema? Please give as much info as possible I...
I am going on a date tomorrow for the first time in 36 years, and I am terrified! (Was married 35 yrs, separated 1 yr). I met this bloke for a drink and he has asked me out for a meal; now what I want...
I think it's about time I joined the 21st century and got myself an ipod. But they seem a bit pricey and I was wondering if they are really worth the hype? Is the sound quality good? Will it be easy...
I have a 30gb ipod and I have XP home and everything works fine and thank god I've never had a problem but I've never used the ipod updater so do I need it and what does it do? Thanks in advance!
In regard to my question on broadband and apple macs, Ive not sorted it yet, I just dont know where to start.......am i setting up the internet on my laptop or the main pc? Which instructions do I...
I've just been on the phones 4u website and theres's a cheaper copy of the phone i want but it says 'refurbished' does anybody know what this means and what the difference is??
I've seen an advert on telly recently for a 50 SPF sunscreen especially for sun sensitive skin which I have. I can't remember what it was called- can anyone tell me please?
Anyone have any good remedies for when it is far too hot to get to sleep? Ive tried ceiling fan, lighter bedding, windows opened - yet im still finding it near impossible to get a good night's sleep...
Just need a bit of a moan really... A woman I work with insists on having the air conditioning on full blast all day (it's seriously reaching arctic temperatures in here) yet she comes to work wearing...
hi wondering if anyone can help me ive got 2 questions actually but first 1, I have dryed skin most of the time on face, next back and tummy, and in the summer it goes worse, i personally think its...
For a while now I have been experiencing discomfort in the area directly below my left rib. When I get stressed the pain is worse. Any ideas to what this might be and effective remedies? Cheers Rob