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What are song titles witrh the word "there" in them
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Does anyone recall a TV documentary from about ten(?) years ago that showed three, I believe, autistic children who had amazing talents. One, a young black lad aged about 11, was able to look at...
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Joan Roughle
What is an ice lolly called in the USA?
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anagram for the colors of the rainbow ? 
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I have a breathing difficulty, caused, I think, by bird dust, and have been told that having my nasal linings trimmed may help (I know the real answer is to get rid of the birds but I...
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What's a good drug to combat anxiety in the air ? I hate flying but I do a fair amount for work. I'm a brit living in the US and I think you can get some pretty groovy drugs over the counter here. But...
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Im 16, ages ago bout when i were 12 i had an op on me head, for some benine tumour or someing. Now i got a cist  left in me head, will this decrease my life expectancy because i had a brain...
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Im 16 right. But what do girls look for in us lads. Do they go for good looking lads all the time. Or personality or both. I think i have a dodgy nose though pplz tell me i dont would this put girls...
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Yeah Bee
What is Hashbrownies? I understand what HASCH brownies is and I enjoy them but answer me a stupid Swede whats is Hash?
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What does whistling britches mean?
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Im retaking gcse maths at and ICT at college, were doing our first module and im fine with most of it parts of it apart from multipying fractions, I dont get the common demenoimater and numerator...
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I saw a film involving two sisters seperated when they were young. One became rich and one stayed poor. When they meet years later the rich one invites the poor one onto her yacht and it explodes. The...
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Mrs Groovy
I am holding a murder mystery dinner party set in 1967. Could anyone suggest what 60's-style food to serve that would tie in with setting?
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What man founded a world famous detective agency
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Can anyone give me any information about successful, banned or stereotypical references to homosexuality in the media? This could include adverts, posters, articles, television coverages or corporate...
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why do the american movies use the numbers use 555 all the time
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Try all you want, you'll never get a Colorado Mockingbird to sing. Give us the name of this stubborn bird.
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In American English, what is the difference between tenement and apartment building?
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My problem is that I have written an opening paragraph for a story but am stuck on how to follow it up. I need a plan of what will happen in the middle (it needs to have an argument in), the...
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i saw a film when i was a kid, vague memory but i remember it was about a girl who was a dancer ?? At the end she is on the subway with her parents and is swinging on the pole, she then collapses and...

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