Recently I find that videos on YouTube do not download fast enough, so they keep stopping and starting every few seconds. They used to run perfectly. Is it my computer, my broadband connection or...
Last week we had thousands of tiny thunderbugs here. Four of them got into the laptop screen, and one has died still in view. No amount of tapping will make it drop down out of sight. Anyone got any...
Do low bridges have to have their height displayed on them? In our village we have a 14' 3" low bridge which is regularly struck. After one strike I noticed that the height markers on the bridge were...
This 747, with an unusual engine layout, is at the 'Top Gear' airfield. It is quite a film star, as I have seen it on a Westlife video and a recent documentary on cabin air. Recently Jeremy Clarkson...
I tried out my new satnav today, and went through the Dartford Tunnel. I assumed that once in the tunnel it would show me as not moving, as it couldn't see the satellites. However it showed me as...
Serious question - where can I get some really comfortable underwear? Unfortunately I can't claim to be over endowed, but none of them seem to have enough room. Usually I wear Next, but they seem to...
Tesco have this satnav with traffic information on offer at ?99. Why shouldn't I buy one? Also if you set it up without giving it a destination, so it just shows maps, does it still give traffic...