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Parsley Dump

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Parsley Dump
Did anyone watch Law & Order (C5 on Saturday 3 Feb)? Was the judge in it Loretta Switt who played "Hot Lips Houlihan" in M.A.S.H. She must be well into her 50's but still looks great (a bit of plastic...
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Just wondering if anyone has heard from stressed out.? hope she hashad the baby and everything is ok. Brenda
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i reckon 73
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Just been reading the Daily Mirror, and the front page news............ Killer Pitbull Owner is a convicted Drug Dealer!!......... well suprise suprise eh?? NOT. This uncle 23 year old Kiel...
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Is it most likely to have a child when your husband and you have the exact same blood group?
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I'm trying to think of all the major stars/planets visible from Earth with the naked eye; so far I've got Venus, Mars, and Sirius...
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Parsley Dump
In the new Bond film does Richard Branson make a cameo appearance (man spreadeagled at security in Miami airport)?
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does anyone remember the adventure game????
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Parsley Dump
Me again who sings the new Bond theme song? In the opening credits it says Chris Connell is he one of the Connells which sang "75,75" in the 90's?
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I've got two small unlabelled amber reagent bottles containing concentrated (pure) acids. I know one bottle contains hydrochloric acid and the other contains sulphuric acid. Is there a simple test...
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Parsley Dump
Does the actor Richard Thomas (John Boy Walton) have a son who is also an actor. In the film Girl Next Door (2004) there is a young actor the spit of him even down to the mole on his cheek. I think...

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