A new detective series started last night, anyone see it? I nearly gave up after ten minutes but OH wanted to continue watching, so we did. I actually really enjoyed it once I got into it properly,... ...
The Ding family had a son whom they named William. He grew up to become a famous architect. In fact, he traveled all over the world, designing massive structures. He was even hired to design entire... ...
If you're in the market for some top quality comedy, have a look at this. https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/m0024pyy/amandaland Lucy Punch will get a BAFTA nod in 2026 and Jo Lumley is... ...
Good morning everyone - the weather is quite a bit cooler this weekend but we're headed for a couple of hot ones through the week - I can handle the hot days if it's only one or two, it's a week... ...
Good evening, all! Another lousy start for me this week, with just TWO out of seven in the main quiz: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/ckgnp7z1jwzo I did marginally better in the junior quiz... ...
One day, a young girl is walking through a park when she hears a faint, “Help me, help me.” She looks around and follows the quiet voice to a bush near the path. Looking under the bush she spies a... ...
I have a Pukka All Steak Pie from Waitrose which has been kept in my fridge but is now over its Use By Date of 26 January. They are delicious but do I eat it or not? Advice please.
Tuesday's Dingbat. But if a weird one: A picture of a grave with a gravestone. There is a picture of a striped tie on the gravestone. The only thing I can think of is "tie dye". Any other ideas?... ...
Some scumbags have nicked our tree. Bring back the birch I say !!!! ___ I don't normally fart in burger king but when I do it's a whopper! ___ Last night l slept with the bedside light on, people may... ...
i joined slimming world last August and last night i got an award for grearest loser in our group i've lost 3st 3lbs ,i'm unable to do my steps now after the fall i had a couple of years back and... ...
Bond 007 was sitting at the bar and kept looking at his watch. A pretty young lady sitting near him asked 'are you waiting for someone'. ' No' replies Bond 'Q has given me this new watch which is... ...
A group of 2nd, 3rd and 4th graders, accompanied by 2 female teachers, went on a field trip to the local race track to learn about thoroughbred horses and the sporting industry, but mostly to see... ...
Starting Clue Chain 12 - all welcome 😊 The idea of the game is that the setter poses an original home-madeclue which everybody is invited to solve. The poster who solves the clue first (hopefully... ...
Well maybe just a little bit, today marks only year of sobriety for me. When I was in drinking mode I would have laughed at the suggestion I should stop.
When I was given my cancer diagnosis, that nice Mr Google (plus some reliable websites, such as that of the Mayo Clinic) suggested that my chances of still being alive 5 years afterwards were only... ...