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Mr Tall
or does it depend on what you are lying about and how much trouble you'll be in if you don't. e.g me: Honestly I only had one pint. Missus: Swear on your mothers life. Me: Ok I had nine. Or...
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Finish the following sentence... "My life would be so much better if..." Also try to give an idea about how you can make it happen if it's possible.
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Im a manager at work and a promotion (new job) has been created to be the manager of not only my area but also another three/four. It would mean that I would have to manage people currently on my...
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Apart from Pele, George Best, Bobby Moore and soon to be Beckham, which other 'quality' players ended their careers playing in America?
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why the influx of newbies then?
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it is me. i am carol from south london and its me who has being doing all of the aliases. i am joshnewman, sexyrussian, newmantoday, and all of the others,. i feel better about that now
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would you ever go and see one if so why? if not why ?
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Sorry I haven't been on here all day, I have been busy all day de-fleaing my cat, cleaning the smell of p*ss off me and cleaning up cat cr*p all day, I was of course doing this whilst wearing a smug...
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I tried what you suggested, when my wife started her nightly intergogation about work, secretary etc, I brushed it off and said that I hadn't really talked to her today, made it an unimportant point,...
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Hi,We are in the middle of filling the latest ipod with music and was just wondering what 'genre' you would give to Leonard Cohen, and Anthony & the Johnsons? Or would you make your own title of...
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its all rainy stormy and miserable in stoke, whats it like where you lot are ? SS xxxx
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anyone else get the feeling that they need to go to the toilet in certain places for example pay phones, or when using a cash machine? or is it just me?! this may sound a little strange but its true!
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I am attempting to cut out bad foods and eat more fruit and veg so this is a rough guide to my food is this actually gona help me loose weight? Breakfast - Pineapple, Kiwi, Rasberries and Flavoured...
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I know this isn't a question, but I'm just so excited! After 10 years of being terrified of the prospect of driving, I have passed (2nd attempt). I've been so down as I've been unable to find a decent...
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do you believe in fate & why?
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Following on from the 'Is Prince William Handsome' thread, there were a couple of interesting points made about famous men with regards to their relative handsomeness. It became clear that women can...
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There's a woman in my office who has a Kevin Keegan style curly mullet and she dresses a bit like Melanie Griffith in Working Girl (shoulder pads, highheeled ankle boots that sort of thing). She looks...
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they should be banned.
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argghhhhh just to let you guys no im using this user name as my stylinsam one isnt working AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!
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I need some advice please. I am a man in my late thirties and I have a wife and a child. I recently got promoted at work and got a new office etc and a new secretary to boot. My wife is constantly...

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