Hey I need to know what; Digestion Absorption Defecation Bolus Alimentary Canal Enzyme Digestive system - From mouth to Anus Assimilation Peristalsis means... lol response with the hour would be...
In tonights episode of Star Stories the coldplay guy met up with Gwynth and they hugged. Does anyone know the song which was playing during that? I think it was by Coldplay but not sure - there was no...
Hi everyone, I told my 7 year old daughter that if she stopped sucking her thumb i would get her a hamster and rotastak pink palace for her birthday,her birthday is in november and she has asked me to...
i bought my daughter a hamster from the pet shop yesterday, he hasn't had much human contact and bites as soon as u put your hand in the cage. i'm just after some tips to tame him. any help much...
I'm not really sure if this question should be under TV, Body & Soul or Science, so here goes? I was watching Futurama last night and they have the heads of celebrities past kept 'alive' in special...
Hi guys I could do with some advice regarding a stray cat in my neighbourhood. He is a fully grown male and is quite friendly, I think someone has moved away and left him. He has an injury to his hind...
Anyone know where i can FREE (NOTE I SAID FREE!!!!) Ipod music?? I've tried Limewire Morpheus and a bunch of sites like mp3000.net and yourmp3.net but half the songs i want aren't on there!
Does anyone know of any music which sounds sad? Like a song to when people could die in a video?? Lol I mean like violins, harps but it could just be piano etc Not classical, just sad!
Hiya I've been making up songs for a while now.. I'm very young (12 lol) and me and my mates go up several lunchtimes at school to practice, i play piano and my friend sings... We've got 3 but there...
has anyone heard of a song called rehab it was sung by a girl thats all i know i saw it recently on one of the sky music channels but haven't heard it since, thank you
hey. my ipod has been broken for a while now. everytime i plug it into my pc, it tells me that its charging but nothing else happens. all the songs got wiped off too! i tried re-installing it. i think...