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Hello. Can anyone tell me what the likely sentence will be for someone who pleaded guilty at crown court on the day the trial was about to commence. He agreed to plead guilty to 1 x gbh with intent, 3...
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At least one of the lowlives should not have even been out to commit the awful crime on the French pair. I don' give a rats arse about rehab and all that sh1t, plain and simple punishments, end of....
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. . . . for probabtion system failings that meant two evil scumbags were out on the streets and free to torture and murder those two French students a year ago. So how long will he be locked up for...
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Jacqui Smith today announced plans to remove the DNA of innocent people. In 2003, when I was 14 (a few days before my 15th birthday), I was arrested, and after about a year on bail I was given a Final...
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I was cautioned 12 years ago will this show on my CRB check?
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My friend recently completed a subject access form and sent to the local constabulary. He wanted to check whether a minor caution when he was 16 would still be on record (is 32 now). This has come...

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