Just to let you all know that twiggers is poorly, bless him and you know what that means girls, hes twice as bad as what any of us would have it!!!! seriously tho hes been really sick tonight,...
I've lost the question now but here is the convo. I put it on my website for you all to read. view it here: http://www.freewebs.com/chixalub/abconvo.htm
Does anyone know anyone who has a really exciting job? Seems that everyone I know works in an office or in retail or in a factory! (I'm not saying these jobs are rubbish) I was just wondering about...
Hi all ! I'm back after a 2 week break and Chatterbank seems to have completely changed ! It's good to see some new faces, but i'm not too sure where all the regulars have disappeared to. Surely its...
I saw this week that Magic Mushrooms are to be categorised as a Class A drug. Are they that dangerous? I have not done any research into the long-term effects of them but wonder how they...
how about another chatterbank section so that in one section serious chat or debate can be conducted and another for light hearted or whimsical waffle surely this would accomodate everybody and piece...
Wow now I feel grown up. Thanks to Maximo for posting a lovely 'Happy Birthday' message (Bless her) and thanks to all who replied. I am having my party next Friday. I am so excited. How is everyone...
Last night I had a scary dream, in it I was on the internet, logged onto AB and horror of horrors when I went into chatterbank, there were no silly questions. When I woke up I was terrified...
I turned 21 on the 24th July. I am officially an adult (?!?!?!) and as a lot of room was taken up in my other birthday post I though I might post another .. why the h*ll not! Who is to stop me? I am...