When I was little, my grandmother would call me "Mike, Sue, Daniel, Karen" - she always got there in the end, but as a child I couldn't understand why she got me confused with the names of other...
I can't get in. I get to the chat room bit, can't see a smiley face because where the picutre should be was a little white box with a red cross in it. So I pretended I could see the smiley...
I think i remember your address from the members board, can i mail you and send you mine or can you remember mine to email me, i know why i cant get in (was signed in on lads hotmail account) so maybe...
Its true, I am the meanest nana in the whole wide world. Yesterday my daughter and granddaugher came for a visit, I gave my granddaugher one of those mini scotch eggs which she loves, then I had...
With BEL speaking of cantonese it reminded me of my birthday last month. Mr Pixi took me to really nice Thai restaurant, you know the kind where the very demure waitress stands by the table all...
I've had an internet keyboard for about 3 years now and just realised I can change the buttons to take me to different websites, so now all I have to do is press the button where everyones sat round...
Hi Boo me good mate, Im pretty busy today and tomorrow, so if i dont see you on here before weekend have a real good holiday. Don't forget to leave some tasty titbits out for my pixie...
HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!!!!!!!!! Here's to the last *0 years - and the next *0 too!!! (Up to you to reveal what number * means!!!) I hope you have a lovely time celebrating with your loved ones....
A mate of mine at work here trimmed his p-b-c hair in the bath last night, so I am told anyway. Now he is walking around scratching his crotch and grimacing. Is this normal behaviour for a bloke ?...
Hi All We have broadband with a download limit, as email is included in this limit what I need to know is if I open up my inbox on my yahoo email address and delete the emails instead of opening them...