I was listening to the Radio yesterday and they were speaking to a Chef who works for The Prison Service ,he was saying that they serve 3 hot meals a day to prisioners plus snacks he was saying the...
My freind and i were discussing music, He said he had never heard a sound as bad as the sound from the playing of bagpipes, I thought well he had never seen "X Factor" then
B/F keeps asking what I want for xmas and I have no idea. As I already had my birthday this month too I told him a CD and DVD I wanted, which he got plus a couple of other bits and I'm completely...
i saw a youtube vid a while ago ...random folks singing a bit of a song...for the life of me i cant remember the tune....anyone seen owt like this? thanks :)
the crap smoozy feel good films on TV are a great excuse to open a bottle, put your feet up and then do absolutely sweet fa!
Cats and Dogs, followed by blizzard. lol. Big kid....
i would think this spliff if actually having an affect. ♪ ♫ People, take my advice ♪ ♫ If you love someone Don't think twice ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ Love you baby love Sugar baby love Love her...
Is religion directly responsible for this kind of barbarism, or will people always find reasons to want to kill each other?
Hi, just wondering where the chatters on this board hail from as i have noticed a bias in favour of Scotland in questions and in answers and a bias against England which leads me to presume that the...
just bought it cos it was on special offer...... cant decide whether to stick it on while im bobbing about online or wait while later when we can sit and chill and watch it with popcorn and ice cream...