My husband left myself and my two yr old last yr since the he has him one night and a full day over the weekend. When he left he cleared the whole house out it was an empty shell. W dont speak. When...
Why has my normally sedate beardie suddenly started running around his viv, desperate to get out. He spends hours scratching at the glass and the sides, and i am afraid he's going to injure himself.
Hello, My wife have been separated officially (living apart)since October, last year. I wasn't looking for anyone else but met a girl about 3 weeks ago, we get on extremely well. I told my estranged...
In the final episode of this series, does anyone know what the music in the background is when Gene Hunt gives his 'speech' to Lord Scarman? I think it's from a film. Thanks in advance.
i have a community tropical fish tank that has been running for about 6 months now and "dirt" has seemed to collect on my first i thought it was hair algae then i treated the water...
Hello, I have just bought a Maxtor 3200 External hard drive. I am having great difficulty installing it, I am going to device manager, hardware update wizard. This is what happens: it looks like its...
Hello, Please bear with me as I know very little about cars. I have an old 1.4 Nissan Almera (N reg). The problem is that the engine revs too much whist in gear (sounds like its in neutral) and seems...
I am 99% sure I don't love my wife anymore and am wondering now if I ever have done at all. We have two young children who I love with all my heart. Is it right to stay with someone just for the kids...
What's the best variety of potato for roast potatoes - crispy on the outside and light and fluffy on the inside....... anyone any tips for the perfect roast spud?? Many thanks
Does anyone know the tile and artist to the song they use for the Vauxhall advert? The one where the car flies through the air then through a hoop. The only word i know in the song is " Parade " hire/5365676.stm Absolutely tragic news. I am a huge fan of Top Gear, its my favourite programme. I really hope the Hampster pulls through this ok, the...