I collect genuine and replica movie props and enjoy making my own replicas. I have found some sites which offer downloads of flyers, tickets, posters etc which have been used in movies. Can anyone...
Im trying to find someone that can make embroidered patches but doesnt need a large minimum order. I've found lots of companies that make them but minimum orders usually start at 50. I want 1 or 2...
Think I am suffering crossword burnout!! Obviously easy but can anyone confirm 10a one of ancient people who lived in Scotland (4). Thought it was Celt but if it is I have one wrong. help appreciated.
I've just finished painting the ceiling with one of those white emulsion paints that contains a pink/lilac dye for you to see where you've painted. The dye colour fades completely in a short time....
Ok has anyone seen the advert about inventions where everyone is running about on these foot spring things? I have seen them before but can think what they are called - does anyone know? Reason I am...
I have this telescope and I have no idea how to use it. The instructions it came with are of no help and I have tried and tried. I can get a star into view on it, but it just looks as if I was just...
please dont ask me why but i need some pictures of some cool looking poets for a display however i dont know of any!! do you? i just need the names and i will find the pics!! thanks xxx p.s they need...
Hi, has anyone got any idea where I can get a copy of the book "The Founding of Evil Hood School" by Nikolai Tolstoy. I first heard of it when Kenneth Williams read it on Jackonary and would love to...
Does anyone know what the song in the background for sky sports is? It's the one with the amazing skateboarding and starts "They made a statue of us, and put it on a mountain top".
I have just watched a TV programme where the chef made a pasta sauce using beautifilly cubed vegetables. Having no time myself to stand and cut such perfectly cubed vegetables, does anyone know if...
I have been given the words "ie sv poi conv" and told that they translate into "I am little known" and asked to confirm. Unfortunately I do not recognise the language. Can someone help, please?
Hi all, Just wanted to share this with you, I was in the garden earlier today, glanced up at the nesting box, and saw one of the young having a peek at the outside world, then one of the parents came...
Does anyone know the name of this film? A man and woman marry but the man's mother doesn't approve. They have a son and eventually the mother drives the woman away and she goes to live away. She has a...
I have a problem with masses of spiders (each about 1cm long) that live under and around my decking, and that are giving me the heebie-geebies! I'm looking for suggestions on how to get rid of them in...