My renault dealer says my dog bone mounting on my 53 plate Scenic is 70% gone? and needs replacing soon. What is this - he said it was something to do with the engine flexing; the engine does not seem...
My Renault Scenic has been no problem until recent cold/wet weather. On two occasions it would not start car and I had to start it with leads. Local garage checked battery which is nearly new and fine...
I am in a brand new apartment with GCH and a brand new boiler and all the radiators have large metal covers over them (apartments meant for elderly originally) much higherand longer than the actual...
Have just bought a set of these secondhand and they are great, but do not seem to charge very well. There is a small battery BA151 they call an accupack in one of the earpieces and this connects to...
I have a Renault Megane Scenic 2003 Phase 2 which I bought recently with only one key fob/transponder. I need a spare in case I loose the key (it is NOT a card)opied, but nearly £200 is out of...
Am I to understand that if I purchase a NEW unlocked mobile phone (Samsung) that I can just put in my Vodaphone simcard and it will work immediately? Will all my contacts etc on my simcard be...
When I enter many sites I get a message box at bottom of screen every time which says 'an add on to this site has failed to run' This stays on for about 20 secs unless I remove it and is very...
Hello On my 53 plate Renault Scenic after last night's heavy rain, when I switched on the heater blower there was a loud wooshing sound of water coming from the heater and after a few minutes water...
Hi I was watching Born and Bred which was set in 1950s and the village poiceman wore a flat cap not a helmet! When I grew up in the 50s I remember the police using both - usually flat caps in cars and...
I recently exchanged my Rover 45 03 plate which had 195/65 15" tyres and the ride was superb, nice and soft; this car had Continental tyres. My car now is a Renault Megane Scenic 53 plate which...
Hi It's me again! Some months ago I asked a question and Builders Mate was very helpful - but I still have a problem. I Have a Genie-X Nuaire 'trickle down' bathroom fan in my wetroom of my newbuild...
Hi I need a set of rear parking sensors fitted to my Scenic. Can anyone tell me how they are connected? Do they have to be wired thru to the auto gear lever!! Or, as I suspect the fitter drill s 4...
This seemed to be a 'pilot' for a series. I watched it and in the final scene mention was made of going back. Nothing more was said after ythe credits about a continuation. How annoying! Does anyone...
Since going over to HD on my TV I notice that sometimes (for instance at the start of Coronation Street) a letter "P" in outline form appears to the right of the Coronation Street title. I...
I have broached this previously, but am still unsure so please help anyone in simple terms. I have a Humax Tv with HD connections and a Humax PVR. I only use the TV as a monitor. At the moment, as I...
In my 2003 Rover 45 i have a Blaupunkt (original fitted) radio/sinlge CD player which has a removable front panel. When I remove this there seems no way of removing the radio from the dashboard ie no...
A while ago on TV I saw a film (TV Film) where it was modern day and a woman went back in time thru her wardrobe/door in her bedroom into the world of Jane Austen or something similar. Does anyone...
I have an 11w low energy mini coil bulb in my bedside lamp which works well. However, I needed more light so I purchased a couple of the same type bulbs but this time 15w (different mfr) Now I get a...
Have just downloaded and installed IE9 (was on IE 8) and two things have happened I cannot live with! 1. On IE8 at top of page there was a row of tabs I could click on such as favorites, int options,...