I could do with some help on these please 1. Showcase myself in water rum (8) 2. Kings head goes to stream for small fry (5) 3. Cheerful breaking up machination (7) 4. An uphill race to the source of...
cryptic crossword 1a In short, colleges working with one voice(6) 9a Detach United Nations party(4) 10a Standard glare in room(7) 20a Hot stuff is initially like any valuable asset(4) 23a General...
Can you help please. My first is HOWE, number 2 is WEALTH with the WE in black and ALTH in white, number 3 is CON TRACT, number 4 is a large tick with PRIDE, COVETOUSNESS, LUST, ENVY, GLUTTONY, ANGER...
Tough one, this, and still can't get 6d: "Boy or girl, upset seeing that, given tea". 5 letters - I have S*C*A - and can only find SOCHA and SACRA - neither makes any sense. Any offers? Thanks....
Could anyone help with these garden/ flower quiz please 1, something to look over 4,4,6. 2, joke stimulus 8. 3, conceal the guide 9.4, complain persistently 4. 5, a spy with a Landform rhat rises...
1. Big white hunter (4) 2. Scotsman on his own (7) 3. Surprise follows posh girl with gold (7) 4. Pity becomes unsparing with less (4) 5. Shaw wrote back to him (10) 6. Game that contains pain (6) 7....
1 Pale ale initially Northern, booms from the marsh(7) 2 To ingest insects without question (7) swallow ? 3 From the ruin escapes a headless howl (4.3) barn owl ? 4 A cockney copper trills for locusts...
In a similar vein to the question I just asked about book titles - brilliantly answered by Chris - Pop Groups: Clue 2 - Sens ; Clue 5 - Clare Short in a power cut ; Clue 8 - Golden sea monkey. Other...
1) Where the beach meets the sea (8) 2) Speedy planes found here? (9) 3) Plenty of fresh water here (5-4-3-3) 4) Where the Hunter takes his holiday (5,3) 5) Sounds like it could also be in Ancient...
help needed please ans are highways and byways e.g. gate field heath hill etc no 3 large body of water, 14th, uncultivated land in Suffolk (10) no 4cabbages in front of raised land in warwicks (9) no...
17 across picture of a polar bear, a ring, C. . 7 letters and 3 letters. We think its bearing something.
Clue is; Supporting claim of wheel dismantled...
1) Safe place for part of *** 2) sounds like it’s below the ground 3) Safe place for future king, tie the string around the pig meat 4) small metal fastener around fiesta 5) you consume nothing I...
Dear Friends - please help. I don't expect a spelling mistake by this setter, but who knows? 6d is: Reportedly where a cat sat, a hole form of imitative sound... (12) o???a?t?p?e?a - I have...