My normally fit and healthy 24 year old daughter had a general anaesthetic today to have a tooth removed, as she is exceptionally nervous. Cried her way into theatre thinking she wouldn't wake...
Hi. Have recently been a complete doofus at home n nearly wrecked my marriage. Things r a bit smoother now but want to show how much she means to me. Want to create a playlist on her iPod with songs...
my husband has had blood tests done and his hemoglobin is 7.9 the doctor says this is low so he is repeating the test, does anyone know what it supposed to be, he has also requested an electrolyte...
A silly question perhaps, but I thought Census records are public records, if so, then why do we have to pay to access them? I am trying to do some family research and am unemployed, so have no funds...
my 18month old still doesnt walk he crawls and walks round the furniture.he walks holding onto our hands but wont let go and walk on his own.does anyone else have 18monh olds that dont walk?
Hello everyone...could someone just advise me....I am unemployed and getting Income Based Jobseekers, I get free dentistry but I have just read on the NHS website that because I get free treatment my...
Hi, Can anyone please,please help me before i pull my hair out. I have been all over the web to find a footballer chart to stitch without success. It is now day 3 and at the end of my tether. I can...
Hi all, hope you're having a good Sunday - it's a wet one here in Cambridgeshire. Yesterday I made chicken breast stuffed with ham, sundried tomatoes, mozzerella cheese, seasoning & herbs, all wrapped...
I know that I should probably already know the answer to this question at the grand old age of 45....but I don't! What is the difference between alligator's and crocodile's, I don't need the deep and...
I have to go to the dentist's tomorrow as I need some work doin g on a tooth where there has been some crumbling. I went on Monday but have an infection so am taking antibiotics and going back...
Hi Everyone, thanks for all your best wishes regarding the birth of our baby son, who still has no name. To summarise, the Labour was traumatic, 30 hours and they would only give me Entinox (Gas &...
Could anyone give me an indication of what to expect concerning my partners peripheral neuropathy caused by PA? He was numb from the waist down and from his elbows to the tips of his fingers. He has...
This may sound ridiculous to many people, who think Astrology is just a load of old pants, but I feel there is some truth in it, where the stars define certain character traits. As many will know, I'm...
Hi, I was adopted almost 36 years ago, and would like to know how to go about finding out about family history. I have always wondered about my 'roots' but more so the older I get. Can anyone advise...
My soon to be 9 year old son has been having some bother with a few of the boys at school. A few months ago I found out that 3 boys in his class together with a few others from younger classes had...
I know I'm becoming a pain about this but we are not getting much information from the doctors! My partner who has now been diagnosed with pernicious anaemia is wondering if he should be doing any...
Would anyone have an idea as to why a single girl and her brother would migrate to market Harborough from the Cumbrian Coast in their late teens during the 1850? What industry was there in the mid...
can love someone but not be 'in love' with someone? I used to think this was a load of rubbish but now I'm not so sure. I think you might be able to not be 'in love' with someone but to still love...
Quick question but if you were diagnosed as diabetic approximately a year ago, how frequently would you have to go to the diabetic clinic? Is it fortnightly/monthly etc?
Many thanks for your help