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Right then,some of you may have read a previous post I put on here concerning my partner,who was told he had carpal tunnel which then turned into cervical myelopathy then turned into peripheral...
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My partner has recently been diagnosed with pernicious anaemia and is having vitamin B12 shots to boost him up. Could the anaemia or the vitamin B12 be causing his hair to stop growing? It's just that...
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I am 45 and do not want to give in to the grey! My roots are very grey/white and I periodically have them coloured but as I am now unemployed I can't afford to have it done in a salon. Can anyone...
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How common are severe urine infections in 3 year olds?
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I really need help with this. I've got a dentist check up coming up but I have a very sensitive gag flex and start gagging at the thought of it, My gag reflex is that bad the last time I went to the...
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A lot of people I know went to catholic schools so were, therefore, educated by nuns. The vast majority have said that nuns were, in the main, harsh, abusive & excessively strict. What are Abers...
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I have a seven year old bitch Jess, she is a border collie cross and we had her from being a few weeks old and she has always been a bit of a scardey cat. We took her to dog training when she was very...
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cumberland sause is served with?
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Does anyone have suggections ( real ones and not ones to make you ill ) for food combinations that you wouldn't think would work but actually do and are great. Ones I like are chicken and banana...
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Im moving to a new property in a few weeks-my neighbours garden backs directly on to our garden. Their plot is slightly higher than ours-which means they look down into our garden. I would like to...
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I am PETRIFIED of the dentist and am in agony . I have a cracked tooth at the top left back and a cracked tooth and the other side which they are not painful altho they have been in the past and have...
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my blood pressure reading is 101 / 64 doesn't say anything to me, not knowing as i do , but what may be a/bers' opinions please.
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can i cover a sponge cake with fondant icing do i use marzipan and how do i get rid of the dents and gaps when cake is covered many thanks
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Thanks to all who have answered my previous post, but to further my querie concerning tea-bags. How long does one need to rest a tea-bag on the eye, and some say warm, and others cold?
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My partner has been diagnosed with an illness that means he is struggling to do his job at the moment. He cannot feel his hands or feet and is an engineer. The doctor wants to put him on the sick...
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Can anyone help with some advice about my partner gettin g divorced from his Amercian wife? He married her in the mid 90's in America, as he lived there for 15 years. He left (because of circumstances...
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I have an 8 month old son and do not wish to put him into a nursery, therefore I cannot return to my full time job as a Legal Secretary. Can anybody suggest a job that I can do in the evening. Any...
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I got married in a Catholic church and am about to divorce my husband, where do I stand with the church? Does this mean I cannot go to another church service and receive the sacraments or have...
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Is the woman in the Capital One advert about cloning the same woman who was Jacko's boss's wife in Brush Strokes?
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Does Harry Hill do the voice-overs for the Nutri-grain adverts?

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