and....... does he still claim to have the ability to bend spoons without touching them? And fix your watch by putting on your tv while he is on? Has he ever confessed/been caught out that it was a...
I am stressed and I know i am extremely stressed - enough to consider going to the doctor but he will only tell me to remove myself from the stressful situation but i can't / dont want to. I explode...
Proverbs Never look a gift horse in the will always be laughing when you fall off A bird in the likely to poo on you A Friend In...
well mine isnt. I went for petrol because desperately low to find the pumps with 'cash only' signs. I only had 5.00 in cash but accidentally put in 5 litres. The counter staff went through all the...
Have you driven a high mileage car - was it kn@ckered? I have been brought up to believe that 100,000 miles is the magic figure for the life expectancy of a car but I have driven a Volvo 740 with...
When an employee leaves, could they force the company to remove a series of youtube training videos they appeared in to be removed. I can see they might want to because they wont want to be associated...
I use another site that has a 'new' tag at the end of every question. If you click it then it goes direct to any new entries from the threads you were reading ( since i was last on that thread). This...
I have just moved house and the loft was full of junk - one of the first things that i saw was a little house music box with a garage and a car in the garage - I took the car out and its the same as...
Well I have cancelled my Sky subscription (see earlier thread) & I am going to fix this addiction too. Bye everybody - Thanks for the time Mwah Mwah xx
I want Cupboards that dust themselves Cats that want to keep their hairs Prices to come down for a change a 'Delete unused possesions' button like I have on windows a self shaving face an imaginary...