The 5ft tube in my kitchen is only illuminated at the ends - how do I know whether it's the tube or the choke at fault ? Whenever there's a problem, I always seem to buy the wrong item first & have to...
Since renewing my PC (running on Windows XE), Incredimail will let me send outgoing e-mails, but I'm not receiving incoming ones. Incredimail XE keeps telling me my username & password are incorrect,...
We've just bought a newer car with an automatic gearbox. Nosey 11 year old wants to know the in & outs of how it works. She's got the gist of it, but stumped me when she asked what the difference is...
I have a friend whos son chews on his sleaves! He came home from school with half of his uniform missing. We have tried to think of something that tastes nasty to put on his jumpers,but just can't...
I don't mean in a nutritional manner. But which foods could you not imagine life being complete without? I choose....Cheese,potatoes and tomatoes.Right! your turn!
Everyone is familiar with the feeling of your stomach 'jumping' when you go over a big bump or the brow of a hill in a car but I also get a different sensation. I have terrible trouble if I'm in a car...
People either don't smoke at all (like me) or they smoke a lot. At least a few a day. You never see someone having just one cigarette at a special social event (a cigar, yes, but not a cigarette). Why...
driving me crazy. i'm all itchy at the thought of them. they have just appeared (it's just started raining). They have pinky red bodies and the rest is see thru. any ideas what these things are?
I keep getting pop-ups whenever I go on the net and I get a message from AVG that I have a virus called 'could be infected homepage' and one called 'downloader small'. AVG removes them but they return...