What do regulars think of a message board on the site? Would make it easier for users to thank people or give feedback etc without having to trawl back through the pages to respond. Just a thought!!!
The man in the flat upstairs from me is constantly doing loud DIY projects (banging, sawing, drilling) - this is all day, every day. I work from home and it is getting increasingly hard to get any...
Can anyone help me trace the exact meaning, etymology and any attestations of this saying; is it used in British English or in North American English only? If anyone can help, this will make my job...
Well, questions have been asked about what books we are reading and about Incitatus, now I have a curiosity: How far and wide does the Answerbank "readership" spread? The internet should be global but...
Why might my keyboard produce extra characters with some keys. e.g. tab does the tab and then produces '#'. It doesn't happen as soon as my machine is switched on but once it starts behaving like this...
Why did Channel 4 stop buying the totally wonderful NYPD Blue? We used to get it in the UK a couple of months after the US but now we're almost two series behind. It seems odd that they would have...