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Jenny Lee
What horse came last in the Grand NAtional on Staurday?
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what is the origin of the phrase bobs your uncle
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don't come running to me if you b, r, l , complete saying
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What's the name of the song and artist in the Argos advert, the song goes... 'sun shine on the radio....'
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What do regulars think of a message board on the site? Would make it easier for users to thank people or give feedback etc without having to trawl back through the pages to respond. Just a thought!!!
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ken williams
who was the female star?
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The man in the flat upstairs from me is constantly doing loud DIY projects (banging, sawing, drilling) - this is all day, every day. I work from home and it is getting increasingly hard to get any...
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where does the saying come from?
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what percent of people go without underwear
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How can I get rid of the small red spots on the tops of my arms? I've always had them and I can't get rid of them.
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Can anyone help me trace the exact meaning, etymology and any attestations of this saying; is it used in British English or in North American English only? If anyone can help, this will make my job...
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I'd like to rent a flat for a week rather than a hotel room. Any suggestions?
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Well, questions have been asked about what books we are reading and about Incitatus, now I have a curiosity: How far and wide does the Answerbank "readership" spread? The internet should be global but...
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What book are you reading at the moment, Answerbankers? Just looking for some ideas for some authors I may not have tried before.
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Where can i find a fake louis vuitton?
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What does the term "Bathos" mean....I have heard of ethos and logos, but what is bathos????
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In the English language supposedly only three words end in GRY, angry, hungry, anyone know the other or others?
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Why might my keyboard produce extra characters with some keys. e.g. tab does the tab and then produces '#'. It doesn't happen as soon as my machine is switched on but once it starts behaving like this...
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Which is the most financially rewarding literary prize?
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Why did Channel 4 stop buying the totally wonderful NYPD Blue? We used to get it in the UK a couple of months after the US but now we're almost two series behind. It seems odd that they would have...

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