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are the hedges on race courses real or fake
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Should we have carried out carpet bombing of Ireland when the IRA were bombing us a few years ago, as seemed to have been suggested in reply to an earlier question on Iraq? (Note: please turn on your...
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Which film is shown over and over again in Hells only cinema? Note: it can be an existing film or a made-up one. For example, I imagine it would be something like 'Neighbours: The Movie' or 'The Kylie...
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In the song Diamond on the soles of her shoes, paul simon sings the line ' he makes the sign of the tea spoon, she makes the sign of the wave' can any one explain what it means?
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I read a book about cats communicating with each other. i have three cats and am convinced that they seem very telepathic, amongst themselves and towards me. Does anyone else think their cat(s)...
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I was just wondering, i knew he failed a drugs test recently, but does anyone know anymore about the incident and if he is playing?
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what enters the field of play at half time but does not until the match is over. If it is a Saturday match it leaves after the game, but if it is a mid week game it remains until the next day. It only...
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in the beginning there were only 8 now there are more than 120 - what are they?
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Mr Poo
Is chewing gum biodegradable? Does it rot or decompose?
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It's my Dad's birthday, and I would love to send him a book on fishing, (he likes Fly and sea fishing) it has to be funny, you know like these anthologies of true tales, anyone suggest...
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what defines a car into tho the 4 or 5 door category?
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Best Programme on TV? I think so!!
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ned flanders
if Johnny Wilkinson was not in their team as France outscored them 3-1 on tries. JW also scores most of their points in almost if not every game. I am an admirer of him as he is an outstanding kicker...
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I watch GMTV (i hang my head in shame..' and we were essentially advised to do as the americans and have survial packs in preparation for attack from say a drrrrty bomb. How pray does one protect...
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Can anyone tell me which video/song a famous American male actor dances in?
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Does anyone know an easy way to remove 'plastic' floor tiles. These are the very hard ones circa 1960, not the modern flimsy things. Currently using a hammer and chisel but this is very very slow and...
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Is it bad form for her to wear cream to the wedding given that she is going to be wearing much the same colour as me. My friends are divided on this issue some are scandlised others couldn't give a...
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Who wrote 'water water everywhere and not a drop to drink
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thankyou for the answers provided last ones that I need help with are (1) Group of droopy eyed dogs.(2) Got to keep this beating(3) Guy's make sheep noises.
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Old BBC series, anyone know if it was ever released on video? BBC dont mention it on their site.

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