Can anyone tell me why I keep hearing people referring to nuclear weapons as newkiller weapons, as it's driving me insane. Also, why did the sixth of the month become the sicth of the month for a...
can anyone tell me if they have heard of a band called the Sultans of Ping! I am sure I didn't imagine them. My brother used to have a CD of theirs and a couple of songs I remember were: 'Lets go...
My wife, who is from Kent, is always coming out with sayings I've never heard of. Her latest was while giving daughter a ticking off for dolloping on the sofa in front of the TV. 'You're sitting there...
ever comply with the Current UN resolutions ........ and in doing so tell the weapons inspectors what he has done with the unaccounted for Chemical weapons. Instead of the UN having to sniff around...
Why do those little bobble things appear on your clothes? What causes them, and how do you prevent them and make them go away from clothes that have them already?
Who do you think is the most overrated actor or actress? My vote goes to John Wayne, who is as convincing as a cigar store indian. His speech and actions were unnatural and he was incapable of...
Was anyone else disappointed with the Dangerous Davies adaptation on Friday night. Peter Davison is definitely miscast although Sean Hughes wasn't too bad. I didn't feel that they'd captured the...
Does anyone else remember a cartoon from the seventies that was on either before or after 'Crystal Tips and Alistair' on ITV. It was about a little black bird who walked around with a cracked egg...