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ned flanders
go on an anti-'WAR' demo and get their anti-american frustrations out instead of posting the same boring rubbish over and over again!
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what is a red biddy
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I've no problem with the US taking on the role of the world's policeman, but I think it may have had more of an impact if its concerns were more than those surrounding oil. For example, where were...
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what product did they use this song to advertvertise
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what do you think of liam gallagher? hes a legend!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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darth vader
OK here's one then - This man has weapons of mass destruction at his disposal and isn't afraid to use them. So should we do something about him? (And i'll let you decide whether i'm talking about...
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I wonder whether anybody knows the following idioms: 1) idioms relating to solid (possible long) objects (including weapons) that indicate a person with positive traits or describe a person in a...
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average waist height in uk
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can anyone tell me how canoe is spelt and what the saying means
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Firstly, what is the story behind 'In The Air', if there is one, and secondly, is there any significance to the word 'Sussudio'?
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Why was Edward VIII called Edward VIII when his name was David? Similarly George VI, whose name, I believe, was Albert?
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When planning the team, Brad pit says ' we will need a Boski, a Jim Brown, a Miss Daisy , 2 Jethros, a Lyon Spinks and an Ellor Fitsgerold. Whats does this mead? Sorry about any spelling mistakes....
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Grammatically, shouldn't it be.. The Lives of Mammals?
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Does anyone else find Ozzy beyond reproach (majestically shambling as a testament to surviving drug abuse), Sharon ok as a power luncher, but Jack and Kelly the most charmless kids ever to grace the...
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Can somebody tell me why there was no Australian Open in 1986. Thanks.
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I'm looking to name a sports bar. Do you have any ideas?
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i used hair removal cream today and would like to know how to shave the rest off?
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Was there a well known English poet who went to live in (on?) Majorca, and if so who was it and are they buried there. The earlier question about gravestones prompted this as I'm off to Majorca in...
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Emigrating How many of you are thinking of moving out of Great Briton to live a less stressful life, it seems that everyone I speak to want's to move abroad there main reason is the excessive amount...
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darth vader
Here's an answerable question for everyone. I've only been visiting AB for a short time but already i see many factual, knowledgeable or well opinionated answers to questions so i wonder what does...

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