Most unusual for Her Majesty not to attend the return banquet of the her Government's guest. I guess at her age she has a right to bow out of all the ceremonials.After all she knows the interior of...
This is worth protesting for.Pro Trump protesters get barricaded in one weatherspoons pub and the anti protesters get trapped in another. How civilised....
Just noticed a picture of the RAF Regiment Queen's Colour Squadron giving the usual Guard of Honour ceremony for the President of the United States. I notice the nearest airman in the photo has,it...
She hasn't posted since 23rd May. I realise that is only 9 days ago. I hope she is having a great holiday somewhere and can happily avoid posting on Answerbank every day. :-)...
Just knocked up a quick Paella.I must say it looks great and just about enough socarrat. I will try to keep some back for the mem sahib when she returns from Dorset on Sunday. But there again it does...
Could any one kindly parse the answer to this clue please. I am assuming my answer is correct?? A Protective cover for the instrument (4) I have ?U?E and can only think of LUTE for instrument. What is...
Did any one watch this programme tonight. I was very disappointed. Mainly a big promotion for Gerald Durrells Jersey zoo. Even had the Princess Royal on the programme just to talk about Gerald. I... There you Spathy Peace Lily. This is what your heroes with not a brain cell between them do to...
This appears well OTT. How much is this officer worth tothe Royal Navy in experience,Training and courses etc You don't just pick any old matelot to command and control the fleets largest ship. I... Oh dear. How very sad. Apart from Malta it would seem that Gness will also have to veto, Portugal,...
I do hope Mr Corbyn doesn't take Mr Streeting's Advice. Could this be just a coincidence that this is the dominant religion of this state? The Religion of Peace....
Ladies and Gentlemen from a IT Retard. I am asking this on behalf of my mem sahib who also is not too IT savvy. She possesses a Ipad Air 2 which does not have a USB port. She has a memory stick with a... Well that's a relief. At least we can see that we really...
Any Anglers or Biologists supply an answer to this please. We have a fantastic wet fish shop in our Town centre where we regularly purchase large quantities of Mackerel and Sea Bream. When Mackerel is... Ms Abbot did not agree with this but with great fanfare this new initiative was trotted...
Could any one kindly tell me when the Ernie draw is done each month.My wife and I had a good hit on our first valid month last time and am interested to see how new purchases pay frequently and...