Would you want to see your hard earned Wonga being used by your Council to promote this nonsense? Did Hounslow Council give their Council Tax payers a say in the matter?...
DEAR Milkman...NOTES! Actual notes left for the milkman. "Dear Milkman. I've just had a baby, please leave another one." "Please leave an extra pint of paralysed milk." "Please don't leave any more...
Where have I seen this before? //The dullards of the Privileges Committee, as the Lilliputians with Gulliver, tried to tie him down but failed.// A quote from this article....
Where have I seen this before? //The dullards of the Privileges Committee, as the Lilliputians with Gulliver, tried to tie him down but failed.// A quote from this article....
I now understand TTT's 5C connotation . It fits Labour Mayor Khan well. He seems hell bent on ruining any commerce, tourism and hospitality in the capital. Sure there is a multi million shortfall in...
A Ball Girl at the French Open was not looking when the ball was served and was accidentally hit on the neck causing her some distress. The doubles team were made to forfeit the match. Does anybody...
8. Do not abuse the AnswerBank’s registration procedures and attempt to acquire multiple usernames. These usernames will be banned immediately. Signing up with a disposable or throwaway email address...
This should prove interesting or maybe a whitewash .If he did lie or is deemed to have withheld information then I guess things could become quite complicated for the Sussexes. Where next to go to.?...
Hi Margo, Like old times. My recipe is slightly plagiarised from the dear food economist who died only a few years ago. Her name was Margaruite Pattern and she worked for the Ministry of Food during...
Karmer states he will stop further Oil and Gas exploration in the North Sea. Karmer has blocked attempts to strengthen a new Public Order Bill to deal with JSO protesters and their ilk. Karmer...
My dear wife has placed a small saucer sized omelette pan directly from the hob on to our new quartz kitchen worktop. (Thank God it wasn't me or I would not be typing this). The result on the black...
https://uk.yahoo.com/style/americans-want-prince-harry-leave-183201123.html Do you believe the U.S. government are correct in refusing disclosure of his Visa application to the Heritage think-tank and...
https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1772725/Therese-Coffey-Wine-Brexit-regulations Seems that the EU have been stymying our home grown vineyards with unnecessary red tape. Several hundred British...
Any of you lucky green- fingered Percy Throwers out there in the garden of AB tell me when I can hope for Marrows at their best in Greengrocers, Farmshops or super markets please. Thank you.
In Todays GK crossword in the Mail the clue for 14d. was: ' Wars in which the novel and TV series Sharpe are set' (10) I initially put Peninsular but it appears, having completed other clues the...
As a Londoner born and bred I have often heard pickled Gherkins called Wallies with regard to Fish and Chip shops. Is this a term used around the UK as well as London? I have heard of the Scots...
So what if it was a second string Blondie boat. It denied a biological woman her dream of rowing in the boat race crew. Incidentally do women gain their 'blues' in Oxbridge sports?...
//A vehicle travelling at 20mph would stop in time to avoid a child running out three car-lengths in front.// //And a vehicle travelling at 5mph behind a man with a red flag will stop// Mr Starmer...